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Permobil Blog / March 13, 2025

Top 3 Ways to Keep Your Wheelchair Cushion in Peak Condition for Lasting Comfort and Support

A well-maintained wheelchair cushion is key to skin protection, posture support, and overall comfort. Whether your cushion is air-filled, gel-based, foam, or hybrid, proper care can extend its lifespan and ensure you’re getting the best support possible.

For clinicians, teaching patients proper maintenance can help prevent pressure injuries and improve cushion effectiveness. For users, a simple daily routine keeps your cushion performing at its best.

Below are the top three tasks you should complete regularly to maintain your cushion:

1. Perform a Daily Pressure & Positioning Check
A cushion that’s too firm, too soft, or improperly positioned can lead to discomfort, poor posture, and increased risk of skin breakdown.

How to Check Based on Cushion Type:

Flowing Air Cushions
  • Perform a hand check by sliding your hand under the lowest bony area (ischial tuberosity). You should feel ½ to 1 inch of space between your body and the cushion base.
  • If it feels too firm or too soft, adjust the inflation level.
Non-Flowing Air Cushions
  • Check for proper firmness and support
Foam Cushions
  • Look for uneven compression or permanent indentations. If the foam is losing shape, it may be time to replace the cushion.
Gel Cushions
  • Make sure the gel is evenly distributed. If it has shifted, knead or reposition it to avoid bottoming out in high-pressure areas.

Clinician Tip: Teach patients how to check their cushion and emphasize the importance of daily pressure relief techniques to maintain skin integrity.

2. Clean and inspect your cushion weekly
Dirt, moisture, and bacteria buildup can lead to skin irritation, bad odors, and material breakdown. Regular cleaning keeps your cushion safe and hygienic.

Cleaning Based on Cushion Type:

Flowing Air Cushions
  • Wipe down the cushion with mild soap and water. Avoid puncturing the air cells.
  • Clean the cover weekly and allow it to fully dry before reusing.
Non-Flowing Air cushions
  • Some are 100% machine washable and easy to clean 
Foam Cushions
  • Remove the cover and hand-wash or machine-wash according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Wipe the foam core with a damp cloth (avoid soaking it, as foam absorbs moisture).
Gel Cushions
  • Check for leaks or gel displacement. If the gel has separated, redistribute it evenly.
  • Wipe down the surface with a non-abrasive cleaner.

Clinician tip: Regularly inspect your patients’ cushions during check-ups to identify wear and tear, improper cleaning, or early signs of breakdown.

3. Monitor for wear and know when to replace
Over time, all cushions lose their original shape, support, and effectiveness. Using a worn-out cushion can increase the risk of postural issues, discomfort, and skin damage.

Signs Your Cushion Needs Replacement:

Air Cushions
  • Frequent air loss or difficulty maintaining inflation.
  • Small holes, tears, or damaged valves affecting performance.
Foam Cushions
  • Foam is compressed, lumpy, or no longer rebounds after pressure is removed.
  • Loss of firmness or uneven support.
Gel Cushions
  • Gel hardens, shifts excessively, or leaks
  • Cushion no longer properly distributes pressure.

As a general rule: Most cushions last 2-5 years, but individual use, weight distribution, and care habits can shorten or extend their lifespan.

Clinician tip: Educate patients on when to seek a replacement and help them evaluate new cushion options based on their needs.

Final Thoughts

Whether you're a clinician helping patients maintain proper seating support or a wheelchair user looking to protect your skin and posture, these three essential tasks will keep your cushion in optimal condition:

  • Perform daily pressure and positioning checks.
  • Clean and inspect your cushion weekly.
  • Monitor for wear and replace when needed.

Maintaining your wheelchair cushion is simple but critical for your health and mobility. By incorporating these steps into your routine, you’ll ensure long-lasting comfort, skin protection, and postural support every day.

Need help choosing a new cushion? Check out Solutions for Every Body


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Nicole LaBerge, PT, ATP

Commercial Product Manager - Permobil Americas

Nicole B. LaBerge, PT, ATP is a Physical Therapist with 18 years of experience in a variety of clinical settings. She currently works for Permobil as a Commercial Product Manager of Seating and Positioning products. Her past clinical practice has included seating and mobility for adult and pediatric populations, with a focus in neurological rehabilitation, power standing and wound care. Nicole has presented at the State and International Levels, has multiple publications in peer reviewed journals and enjoys sharing her passion for patient advocacy, efficiency, and clinical outcomes. She served as an Executive Board Member for the Clinician Task Force for 3 years and is currently an active member in the CTF.

Categories: Complex Rehab, Seating and Positioning, Power

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