In this month’s Permobil Portrait, we explore the life experiences of Chanda Hagen, a remarkable individual who has navigated the highs and lows with...
In 1967 a Swedish physiatrist, Dr. Per Udden, was frustrated that his clients’ function and participation in their environment was limited by their...
Read MoreAs we near the end of the year, Permobil is looking back on the top five blog post from 2023. Here are the most popular blog posts published in 2023.
Read MoreIn the world of power wheelchair bases, there are three main types of drive wheel configurations to choose from: front-wheel drive (FWD), mid-wheel drive...
Read MorePermobil is excited to present The 2023 Cerebral Palsy Foundation Accessible Holiday Gift Guide, filled with an array of thoughtful and inclusive gift...
As the heart and driving force behind the Permobil Foundation, Ashley Davis has been a part of the philanthropic arm of Permobil from the beginning. The...
On December 15, 2016, Durable Medical Equipment Medicare Administrative Contractors (DME MACs) released a policy that prohibited upgrades for titanium...
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