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Permobil Blog / February 6, 2025

How to Use ROHO® Smart Check® | A Simple Guide for Wheelchair Users

If you use a ROHO cushion, you already know how important it is to keep the right amount of air for comfort, stability, and skin protection. But how do you know if your cushion is inflated just right? That’s where ROHO’s Smart Check comes in. 

This exclusive, personal electronic cushion monitoring system helps you find and maintain your ideal inflation level—without guesswork! Once set up, Smart Check gives you real-time feedback so you can check your cushion inflation with the press of a button. 

Let’s walk through the easy steps to set up and use Smart Check with your ROHO Sensor Ready Cushion. 

Getting started: What you'll need

A Single Compartment Sensor Ready Cushion 
A Smart Check device 

Setting Up Your Cushion 

  1. Place your cushion in the chair with the cover on. 
  2. Use the pump to overinflate the cushion (until it bulges). 
  3. Close the inflation valve and remove the pump. 
  4. Sit in your chair in your usual position. 
  5. Pull to remove the tab (if this is your first time using Smart Check). 
  6. Attach Smart Check to the cushion’s quick disconnect port—you’ll hear a “click.” 
  7. Press the large Check button in the center of Smart Check. 

 🔴If you see a red down arrow

  1. Open the inflation valve and release air for 30-60 seconds. 
  2. Wait for the flashing green light before closing the valve. 
  3. If the red down arrow stops flashing before you release air, press (but do not hold) the Setup button to restart. 

🔴 If you see a red up arrow

  1. Make sure Smart Check is securely attached
  2. Open the inflation valve, add more air, close the valve, and press the Check button again. 
  3. Repeat until you see the red down arrow, then release air as instructed above. 

When you see the flashing green light, your cushion is set up! 


Did you know that you can also save your ideal inflation setting (optional setup)?

Make sure that a qualified clinician has identified that the optional set up is appropriate, then follow these extra steps: 

  1. Make sure Smart Check is attached and your inflation valve is closed. 
  2. Press the Check button—you’ll see either a red up or red down arrow. Do not add or remove air. 
  3. Press and hold the Setup button for four (4) seconds until you see a green light. 
  4. The green light confirms your preferred setting is saved! (Note: This does not mean your cushion is properly inflated, just that your preferred setting is stored.) 


Perform a hand check

Even though Smart Check is super helpful, it’s always a good idea to do a hand check after setup. This way, if you misplace Smart Check, you can still manually adjust your cushion using a reference point.  

Finally, if you need to start over and clear your previous settings, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure there are no flashing or steady lights. 
  2. Press and hold both the Check and Setup buttons for 5 seconds. 
    All lights will flash once—this means the reset is complete. 
  3. Follow the setup steps again to set your cushion.


Smart Check tips & tricks

💡 Disconnecting Smart Check: Press down on the gray latch, then pull the device away from the cushion. 

💡 Storing Smart Check: You can detach and store it safely when not in use (such as in the provided storage case). 

💡 Avoid Pressure Issues: Ensure Smart Check is not pressing against your body while seated. 

ROHO cushions are designed for ultimate skin protection, immersion, and stability, and Smart Check makes it easier than ever to maintain the right inflation level for you. By following these steps, you’ll always know your cushion is properly set up—giving you one less thing to worry about! 

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Nicole LaBerge, PT, ATP

Commercial Product Manager - Permobil Americas

Nicole B. LaBerge, PT, ATP is a Physical Therapist with 18 years of experience in a variety of clinical settings. She currently works for Permobil as a Commercial Product Manager of Seating and Positioning products. Her past clinical practice has included seating and mobility for adult and pediatric populations, with a focus in neurological rehabilitation, power standing and wound care. Nicole has presented at the State and International Levels, has multiple publications in peer reviewed journals and enjoys sharing her passion for patient advocacy, efficiency, and clinical outcomes. She served as an Executive Board Member for the Clinician Task Force for 3 years and is currently an active member in the CTF.

Categories: Complex Rehab, Seating and Positioning, Manual

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