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Permobil Blog / January 9, 2025

How to Use the Permobil Store to Help Visualize a New Wheelchair

The new Permobil Store, which allows you to customize and visualize the TiLite X and TiLite Z wheelchairs, is now available for clinicians, in addition to providers.

In the clinician view on the Permobil Store, you will be able to see every customization option on the configurator, review the chair, and see an itemized list of what the order will look like. 

"The Permobil Store enables clinicians to easily explore various options while offering visual feedback on features, overall width, depth, and the appearance of the finished product,” said Allison Fracchia, PT, ATP, SMS, territory sales manager for Permobil. “Clinicians can share this information with their patients, providing vital guidance on accessibility parameters and helping to instill confidence in how the wheelchair and seating products will look.”

Whether viewed from the clinician or provider perspective, the Permobil Store is a powerful tool to visualize chairs before they ship. A computer assisted drawing of the chair will update in real time as you add features like a SmartDrive MX2+, transit tie-downs, gold anodized finishes, AIR breathable backrest upholstery, and back supports. You can also visualize how the color options will look on the chair.

“The new Permobil store now allows unprecedented access to building a custom TiLite X and TiLite Z wheelchair by showing it being created step-by-step from color choices and accessories to providing an exact measurement of overall width,” said Josh Fairbanks, RTS, Florida Gulf Coast sales territory manager for Permobil with over 20 years of experience in the complex rehabilitation technology industry.

“Instead of needing to imagine what the chair will look like, clinicians and end users will be able to visualize the product, instilling confidence in the process.”

- Josh Fairbanks, Permobil

Screenshot 2025-01-10 at 3.08.27 PM

Measurements are also updated in real time and are reflected in the preview of the chair. They will change accordingly as you select client measurements for seat depth, camber, seat to floor height, center of gravity, and frame depth. It will also reflect the changes visually. An option to add measurements to the preview of the wheelchair can help determine if it will fit properly in the client’s home or workplace.

“I had a couple of chairs that looked too small or too wide on the front or back and it's nice to make those changes in the Permobil Store because it's too late at delivery time,” said Andy Foster, OTR, ATP, CRTS. “The other thing that has been helpful is seeing the overall width once you are complete. Knowing the client has a 26-inch doorway, I can see if I can do a two-degree camber, no camber and/or change the hand rim spacing."

The store will automatically tell you if certain measurements and components aren’t compatible. Items highlighted in orange on the right pane are not available under the selected configuration. 
For example, swing away tubular armrests are not available with a transit tie down frame on the TiLite X. Clicking on the item will take you to a detailed view that explains the conflict and show further alternatives if they are available.

“When utilizing the Permobil Store during a patient wheelchair evaluation, the built-in logic assists the decision-making process as it narrows down possible selections to only those that are compatible,” said Kevin Kolakowski, ATP, Permobil territory sales manager.

“Ultimately, this tool gives you 100% confidence that the wheelchair you prescribed can be built as recommended.“

- Kevin Kolakowski, Permobil 

The Permobil Store is now open! On your computer, laptop, or tablet, go to store.permobil.com, then sign up, log in and complete a registration form. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to register as a clinician:

  1. Navigate to https://store.permobil.com
  2. Select “Log in/Sign up,” then “Sign up” to create your Login ID and password
  3. Return to the log in screen and log in with your new credentials
  4. You will then be presented with a “Registration form”
  5. Enter the name of your facility where you are a clinician under "account number"
  6. Select "clinician" in the "I am a" drop down menu
  7. Select "view only" in the "I will be" drop down menu
  8. Enter the name of your facility under "company name"
  9. Enter your city and state
  10. You will gain approval within 24-48 hours

NOTE: Some have reported experiencing some visualization issues on Google Chrome or on lower spec computers. This is rare, but if you happen to experience this issue, we recommend using Microsoft Edge.

If there are any issues with registration, please contact our support team via email chairs.tilite@permobil.com or phone 1-800-736-0925

You can find a full list of frequently asked questions and answers on our FAQ one sheet here

A blue folding manual wheelchair sits next to a purple rigid manual wheelchair. An orange button says learn more.



Hawken Miller

Content Marketing Specialist - Permobil Americas

Before joining Permobil as content marketing specialist, Hawken was a content strategist for the nonprofit CureDuchenne, creating blogs, emails, and social media content for the Duchenne muscular dystrophy community. For most of his life before that, he worked as a journalist, writing feature stories for BioNews, and reporting on the video game beat for The Washington Post. Following his passion for writing, Hawken graduated from journalism school at the University of Southern California.

Categories: Complex Rehab, Seating and Positioning, Manual

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