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Permobil Blog / March 26, 2025

Permobil Portraits: Simi Tometi

Simi Tometi currently serves as the senior marketing research consultant at Baylor Scott & White Health, leveraging his experience in marketing and studying biology and health sciences. In 2011, his life changed when he broke his neck in a car accident. Now, he’s been able to recover and thrive, using his SmartDrive to further improve the quality of his life.


Dallas and beyond

I grew up in Dallas, TX, with my three younger siblings: Stephen, Sean, and Sophie. As a kid, I loved playing sports, cooking, drawing, and spending hours on my Xbox 360 playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. These activities were my escape and joy, shaping many of my fondest childhood memories.


After high school, I pursued higher education at the University of Texas at Arlington for my undergraduate studies in biology and health sciences, and later at Southern Methodist University for my master's in management science.

One of my favorite memories from this time was moving into my own dorm/apartment, gaining a sense of autonomy, and excelling academically, which boosted my confidence immensely. My first job after college was as a digital strategy consultant at The Richards Group (TRG), where I began my professional career.

Life changing injury

In December 2011, I broke my neck in a car crash, resulting in incomplete quadriplegia. I have control of my wrists, shoulders, and partial control of my triceps.

One of my proudest achievements is getting my life back on track after my injury. It was a daunting task that took significant time, but it feels great to be a contributing member of society. I believe bigger things lie ahead.


The SmartDrive and its associated app have been invaluable in helping me navigate daily life, and I'm looking forward to getting the control down soon.

Outside of the office

Nowadays, my hobbies include working out and writing, though I'm hoping to pick up a new hobby this year. I'm passionate about research, both qualitative and quantitative, particularly in business strategy and public health.


I come from a large Nigerian family that's well immersed in the Dallas Fort Worth community. Weekends are often spent hanging out with friends, driving around aimlessly while listening to music, or watching college football and movies, especially during overcast weather.

Fun Rapid-Fire Questions

Favorite restaurant or place to order takeout food from?

Favorite season and why?
Fall, because its still warm outside, football is on, and daylight savings hasn't kicked in yet.

If you could have dinner with one person, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
Probably Warren Buffett or LeBron James, to hear their life stories unfettered.

Favorite movie of all time?
Project X (2012) – a feel-good underdog story with a nostalgic soundtrack that revolutionized the "found footage" style of shooting.
First concert you went to?

 RiJason Aldean in 2011 at Jexa Energy Pavilion in Dallas – it was more of an open lawn party than a concert, and I had a great time.

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Categories: Complex Rehab, Seating and Positioning

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