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ROHO®: How the 'Basics' Keep Working, Changing, and Optimizing Outcomes

Reviewing the basics of ROHO® seating and positioning technology reminding us that the ‘basics’ have been working for over 45 years! 

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Cushions and back supports serve as an interface between the flat surface of the mobility device and the complex contours of the human body. Products must promote tissue viability, safety, comfort, positioning and ultimately function. This webinar session will review the basics of ROHO® seating and positioning technology reminding us that the ‘basics’ have been working for over 45 years! Clinical case examples will be utilized to demonstrate clinical application of various ROHO features and products, assisting with positive outcomes for our clients. Although ROHO has had long standing success with tissue viability and pressure injury management, there are also many other reasons why the various ROHO product lines work and multiple issues that ROHO can be used to solve. Tune in to see what you thought you knew and what is actually NEW!

Brenlee Mogul-Rotman, OT, ATP/SMS, National Clinical Education Manager – Canada

ROHO: How the 'basics' keep working, changing and optimizing outcomes
ROHO: How the 'basics' keep working, changing and optimizing outcomes
Permobil Product Webinars