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Reach for More

Unmatched Power Positioning

The dynamic combination of power seat elevation and anterior tilt function is now available to power wheelchair users who rely on power seat functions to improve their health, function and participation in everyday life.

Vertical stand allows an individual to be positioned in an upright standing position independently.

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It's pretty emotional to go from living your whole life looking up at people and then all of a sudden just be equal. The more features you can have, the more things you're able to do, the better life you're able to live.
Cyndi Leach, Permobil User

Chapter 1



Chapter 1


What is ActiveHeight™?

ActiveHeight™ is a dynamic seat elevation feature available on Permobil M3 & M5 Corpus, F3 & F5 Corpus and F5 Corpus VS models.

What makes ActiveHeight™ unique?

ActiveHeight raises the seat up to 14”.  It is unique in that while elevating, the seating system repositions 3.5″ to maintain optimal forward stability and create a more compact footprint enabling you to get closer to objects.

When would I use ActiveHeight™?

ActiveHeight™ provides an individual the ability to raise up for many day to day tasks like:

Having a conversation face-to-face

Brushing teeth at the sink

Ordering food at a counter

Getting a subway ticket at a kiosk

This list is not exhaustive as there are too many reasons to use ActiveHeight™ than we can count! See more ways in which ActiveHeight™ can benefit you.


How can ActiveHeight™ benefit an individual long-term?

Users tell us that ActiveHeight™ may be beneficial for:

• Decreasing neck/pain strain from looking up in conversations

• Minimizing risk of shoulder pain/strain from reaching overhead

• Improved confidence and ease of socialization

Learn more about ActiveHeight 

Speak with a representative

Chapter 2



Chapter 2


What is ActiveReach™?

ActiveReach™ technology enables you to reach for more by creating 4.5″ of additional reach. This can be used for reaching beyond obstructions, into high cabinets, or even assist in transfers. Truly putting your world into reach.  

When would I use ActiveReach™?

ActiveReach™ is most powerful when combined with ActiveHeight™. While ActiveHeight™ raises the seat level higher, ActiveReach™ tilts the seat forward allowing a more functional position for daily tasks. With ActiveHeight™ in combination with ActiveReach™, the wheelchair can be positioned face on, and an individual can approach a task from the front rather than needing to be sideways. ActiveReach™ can be useful for many daily tasks such as:

Getting over the sink while brushing teeth, washing hands or face

• Reaching items at a grocery store

Providing a "leaning in" position that promotes engagement with other

Improve access to work space and/or computer and table

This list is not exhaustive and using ActiveReach™ with ActiveHeight™ has many functional benefits


How can ActiveReach™ benefit an individual long-term?

Using ActiveReach™ for daily tasks may have the following benefits:

Promote reduction in spasticity

• Provide change of hip angle during sitting which may allow increased function of internal organs

• Reduces risk of shoulder injury from repeated reaching

Learn more about ActiveReach 

Speak with a representative

Chapter 3

Vertical Stand


Chapter 3

Vertical Stand

What is Vertical Stand?

The Permobil F5 Corpus VS allows an individual to be positioned in an upright standing position independently. The ability to stand allows for socialization at a peer-to-peer level as well providing multiple medical benefits.


When would I use Vertical Stand?

Providing the option to stand to an individual who uses a wheelchair full-time opens the door to increased independence and function for daily tasks and increased confidence in interacting at a more equal level with others. Vertical Stand can be used for many daily tasks such as:

Preparing food at the counter or stove

Standing to see over crowds at an event

Or for special events such as:

• Walking a daughter down the aisle

Standing as the groom's best man at the wedding

And of course, there are many more functional benefits of standing and we have just named a few!

How can Vertical Stand benefit an individual long-term?

There are potential benefits to performing independent standing consistently day to day:

Range of motion improvement over time as shortened muscles from sitting all day are being stretched and lengthened

Improved pressure management in a functional position that does not disrupt daily routines

• May improve bone density as shorter, more frequent standing has been shown to be effective

Learn more about vertical stand 

Speak with a representative

Chapter 4

Reach for More

At Permobil, end users and their stories are what drive our innovative technologies. This spring, our good friend Todd Stabelfeldt shared this amazing message with us about perseverance and how he reaches for more.

Chapter 4

Reach for More

"Every person has the right to have his or her disability compensated as far as possible by aids with the same technical standards as those we all use in our everyday lives." - Dr. Per Udden

Reach for More

At Permobil, we stand behind Dr. Per Udden's statement and ActiveHeight™, ActiveReach™, and Vertical Stand were all developed to allow our end users to reach for more. 

Todd Stabelfeldt, an entrepreneur and computing technology expert, filmed some short videos sharing his story highlighting how he uses technology to reach for more.

Todd's Home Tech Set Up






Choosing Joy





Why Permobil







Show us how you reach for more with Permobil products by using #ReachForMore on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.
