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Permobil Academy Complaint Resolution

Complaint Resolution:

Any complaints, including but not limited to cancellation of a seminar, can be handled by an individual first contacting the Director of The Permobil Academy either by phone, email or letter outlining the specifics of the complaint and recommending a resolution. If the complaint is in regard to the cancellation of a CEU event, they must include the name, location and date of the seminar. After considering the specifics of the complaint the Director will first respond with a suggested resolution via phone, email or letter with 14 days. If the individual who made the initial complaint is unhappy with the initial decision given by the Director, they can then submit a follow-up complaint by sending a certified letter within thirty days of the initial decision to the below address stating the following: participant’s name, address, email, phone number, their specific complaint (if the complaint is in regards to a cancellation of a CEU event, they must include the name, location and date of the seminar) and their specific request for resolution of the complaint. All complaints will be forwarded to the Director of the Permobil Academy and the senior management team of Permobil. A certified letter of the final complaint resolution will be sent back to the participant making the complaint within thirty days after the receipt of the certified follow-up complaint submission. Permobil reserves the right to consult with legal counsel regarding the complaint and the complaint resolution.

Address to send complaint:

Permobil, Inc.
Director of Human Resources
300 Duke Drive
Lebanon, TN 37090
