Complex Rehab Technology (CRT) requires attention, care, and maintenance to make sure it can perform to the highest capacity for each individual. The more that an individual can manage and take care of equipment, the longer it can last as well.
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Complex Rehab Technology (CRT) requires attention, care, and maintenance to make sure it can perform to the highest capacity for each individual. The more that an individual can manage and take care of equipment, the longer it can last as well. Although managing this task can be difficult for some individual, this webinar will include some everyday care strategies for ROHO® cushions, Comfort cushions, TiLite manual wheelchairs, Permobil SmartDrive, and Permobil power mobility. We will all go over resources and tools that a person with a mobility impairment can use in their everyday life to assist in the care and maintenance of your customized.
Tricia Garven is a Physical Therapist and Regional Clinical Education Manager with Permobil America. She will be joined by Doug Garven, an award-winning designer of manual wheelchairs for the past 27 years. He graduated with a degree in Industrial Design despite a T6 SCI in 1989. Currently, he is the Product Design Manager at Permobil Manual Wheelchairs where he utilizes his passion for fast cars, cycling and sailing as the inspiration in his designs for the past decade.
This webinar is brought to you in partnership with Permobil, Permobil Foundation, and Christopher Reeve Foundation
Tricia Garven, MPT, ATP Regional Clinical Education Manager
Doug Garven, Product Development Manager - TiLite Manual Wheelchairs
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